Correspondence Between Stalin, Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill and Attlee During World War II артикул 13285d.
Correspondence Between Stalin, Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill and Attlee During World War II артикул 13285d.

This publication contains the correspondence exchanged by J V Stalin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, with Franklin D Roosevelt, President of the U S A , Harry S Truman, President of the U S A , Winston S Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, and Clement R Attlee, Prime Minister of Great Britain, during the Great Patriotic War озоку and in the period between victory and the end of 1945 Tendentiously selected parts of this correspondence were published outside the Soviet Union at difference times resulting in a distorted picture of the Soviet attitude during the war years This publication is to help restore historical truth It contains the full texts of all documents available in the Soviet Union of J V Stalin's correspondence with Franklin D Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, Winston S Churchill and Clement R Attlee during the period in question Certain messages quoted or otherwise mentioned in publications abroad are missing from this book, as their texts have not been found in the Soviet archives The correspondence between the heads of the Governments published here was conducted chiefly by exchanging code messages through the Soviet Embassies in Washington and London and through the Embassies of the U S A and Great Britain in Moscow The messages were decoded in the respective language Some of the messages were delivered by diplomatic post or by authorized representatives of the Power concerned Авторы Франклин Д Рузвельт Franklin D Roosevelt Уинстон Черчилль Winston Churchill Родился в фамильном замке в Оксфордшире, происходил из древнего аристократического рода, восходящего к знаменитому полководцу герцогу Мальборо Отец Черчилля был председателем Палаты общин английского парламента Учился в привилегированной школе Харроу, Иосиф Сталин Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин, настоящее имя - Джугашвили, псевдонимы - Коба, Сталин и др (21 12 1879 года [г Гори] - 05 03 1953 года [Москва]) Из семьи сапожника После окончания Горийского духовного училища (1894) учился в Тифлисской духовной семинарии.  РеволюционныйИздательство: University Press of the Pacific, 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 089875397X.