Volkswagen Kubelwagen: Bucket Seat, Ferdinand Porsche, Volkswagen, World War II, Nazi Germany, Wehrmacht, Volkswagen Beetle артикул 13257d.
Volkswagen Kubelwagen: Bucket Seat, Ferdinand Porsche, Volkswagen, World War II, Nazi Germany, Wehrmacht, Volkswagen Beetle артикул 13257d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Volkswagen Kubelwagen (short for Kubelsitzwagen, meaning "bucket seat car") was a military vehicle designed by Ferdinand Porsche and built by Volkswagen during World War II for use by the German military (both Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS) Based heavily on the Volkswagen Beetle, it was озозт prototyped as the Type 62, but eventually became known internally as the Type 82 With its rolling chassis and mechanics built at Stadt des KdF-Wagens (Stadt des Kraft durch Freude Wagens, now Wolfsburg) and its body built by US-owned firm Ambi Budd in Berlin, the Kubelwagen was for the Germans what the jeep was for the Allies.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 200 стр ISBN 6130371829.

Эмоции, чувства и прощение артикул 13259d.
Эмоции, чувства и прощение артикул 13259d.

Переводчик: С Мелишкевич Эмоции и чувства, как их понимает и определяет Лиз Бурбо, категории не только различные, но в известном смысле противоположные Избавиться от эмоций озозь и дать волю, дать свободное развитие своим чувствам - это и есть цель, достижению которой, в сущности, посвящена эта книга В разрешении противоречия между эмоцией и чувством ключевым является прощение Прощению автор уделяет особое внимание, описывая его как длительный, многоэтапный процесс Для широкого круга читателей Автор Лиз Бурбо Lise Bourbeau.  Серия: Слушай свое тело.

No 486 Squadron RNZAF: World War II, British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, Royal Air Force, RAF Kirton in Lindsey, RAF Fighter Command, Article XV Squadrons, Hawker Hurricane артикул 13261d.
No 486 Squadron RNZAF: World War II, British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, Royal Air Force, RAF Kirton in Lindsey, RAF Fighter Command, Article XV Squadrons, Hawker Hurricane артикул 13261d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! 486 (NZ) Squadron was a fighter squadron of the Second World War manned by New Zealand pilots, trained mostly under the Empire Air Training Scheme, but operationally controlled in Europe by the Royal Air Force 486 (NZ) Squadron came about because of the Empire Air Training Scheme (EATS) which was created озозя by the promulgatation of Article XV on 19 December 1939 The article provided for the formation of Commonwealth squadrons within the RAF On 17 April 1941 a further agreement was negotiated allowing for six New Zealand Squadrons to be formed: Numbers 485 to 490 These units were manned and (mostly) commanded by New Zealanders trained under the EATS, although this didn't preclude other nationalities from being members Administratively the "Article XV squadrons" were an integral part of the RAF, with all command appointments being made by the RAF Other Dominion or Commonwealth countries involved were Australia and Canada, Rhodesia and South Africa.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 176 стр ISBN 613038694X.

Конфликтующие реальности в работе с людьми (психологический аспект) Учебное пособие артикул 13263d.
Конфликтующие реальности в работе с людьми (психологический аспект) Учебное пособие артикул 13263d.

Явления душевной жизни человека — реальность И регуляторы конфликтов существуют в конечном счете именно в области душевной жизни, психики людей Бомбит кого-то или что-то озоив не самолет, а человек; притом самолет, боеприпасы, соответствующие приказы тоже намеренно и не без творческой выдумки производят субъекты, т е существа, наделенные психикой А одна из ее особенностей состоит в том, что многое в ней не осознается Психологические науки потому и нужны, что многие факты и зависимости душевных явлений неданы нам в непосредственных переживаниях Дело обстоит так же, как и в отношении внешнего мира: чтобы овладеть предметом рассмотрения, надо его специально изучать; отсутствие же правдоподобного знания ведет к порождению соответствующих мифов, поспешных выдумок и негодных практических действий Нет нужды обосновывать важность вопроса о конфликтах в человеческом мире и поисках разумных исходов из них В тексте рассмотрены типичные трудности в области межлюдского взаимодействия и пути преодоления их в интересах развития личности и группы Пособие адресовано прежде всего студентам, обучающимся по специальностям, предполагающим интенсивное деловое общение (вое питание, обучение, руководство людьми, обслуживание их), но может быть полезно и так называемому широкому читателю Автор Евгений Климов.  Серия: Библиотека психолога.

USS Ellet (DD-398): Destroyer, United States Navy, World War II, American Civil War, Charles Ellet, Jr , Alfred W Ellet артикул 13265d.
USS Ellet (DD-398): Destroyer, United States Navy, World War II, American Civil War, Charles Ellet, Jr , Alfred W Ellet артикул 13265d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Ellet (DD-398) was launched 11 June 1938 by Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, Kearny, New Jersey; sponsored by Miss Elvira Daniel Cabell, granddaughter of Colonel Charles Ellet, Jr ; and commissioned 17 February 1939, Lieutenant Commander F J Mee in command In September and October 1939 Ellet озоие operated off the Grand Banks on Neutrality Patrol, then with Destroyer Division 18 out of Galveston with the West Gulf Patrol Based at San Diego, after 26 February 1940, she joined in Battle Force maneuvers as far as Hawaii In the summer of 1941 her home port became Pearl Harbor and in October she brought home an Army survey expedition from Christmas Island to Honolulu.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 120 стр ISBN 6130383908.

No 331 Squadron RAF: World War II, Royal Air Force, Yorkshire, Hawker Hurricane, Supermarine Spitfire, RAF Second Tactical Air Force, Normandy Landings, Royal Norwegian Air Force артикул 13267d.
No 331 Squadron RAF: World War II, Royal Air Force, Yorkshire, Hawker Hurricane, Supermarine Spitfire, RAF Second Tactical Air Force, Normandy Landings, Royal Norwegian Air Force артикул 13267d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! No 331 Squadron RAF was a Second World War squadron of the Royal Air Force It was formed as a fighter squadron at RAF Catterick in Yorkshire on 21 July 1941 The squadron personnel were Norwegian with the exception of some of the ground crew and the Commanding Officer At first it was equipped with fairly war озоиз worn Hawker Hurricane Mk 1s which had to be rebuilt after being inherited from the Polish squadron, becoming operational on 15 September It provided defence for Northern Scotland, moving to Castletown on 21 August and later to RAF Skeabrae In May 1942 it moved south to RAF North Weald, having re-equipped with Spitfires in November 1941.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр ISBN 6130384335.

Час взаимных откровений артикул 13269d.
Час взаимных откровений артикул 13269d.

Перед вами попытка обозначить в символической форме общие противоречия и их особенности в отношениях между мужским и женским принципами в человеке, в его сознании и предложить озоил возможное направление классического решения этой многовековой проблемы Работа написана по следам откровений Учителей Мудрости В ней заключена надежда, что читатель приобщит свое сердце и ум к данному взгляду на мир отношений между людьми и переориентирует свое сознание, расширив возможности прикосновения к более глубинному прочтению человеческой души, к ее стремлению в постижении Божественной Идеи Автор Михаил Александров.  Издательства: Амрита-Русь, Манускрипт, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр ISBN 5-94355-239-1, 5-93420-066-8 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Психологические аспекты зависимости артикул 13271d.
Психологические аспекты зависимости артикул 13271d.

Проявления психологической зависимости, формирующиеся в детстве, во многом определяют весь жизненный путь человека и могут служить невидимым двигателем поступков и выбора озоих Информация, изложенная в книге, поможет сделать вашу жизнь более осознанной и свободной, а профессионалам — пополнить свои знания и представления о самой распространенной форме психологических нарушений Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей и для специалистов Автор Алла Айвазова.  Издательство: Речь, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 5-9268-0162-1 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

Microsoft Publisher 2000 Quick Source Reference Guide артикул 13273d.
Microsoft Publisher 2000 Quick Source Reference Guide артикул 13273d.

This 6 page, tri-fold, full color guide is an invaluable resource for anyone who uses Publisher 2000 It provides step-by-step instructions on how to: use the toolbars, wizard, and design templates; create, open, and use a publication; create a text frame; format frames and text; insert the date, time, word art, and lists; find, replace, and check озойа the spelling of text; insert, delete, and format a page; import pictures; create tables; save, preview, and print a publication; and much more! An excellent instructional tool for the user new to Publisher 2000, it also serves as a handy reference tool for the more experienced user.  ISBN 1930674384.

USS Frost (DE-144): USS Frost (DE-144), USS French (DE-367), United States Navy, World War II, Seaplane Tender, Destroyer, Frederick Funston Class Attack Transport артикул 13275d.
USS Frost (DE-144): USS Frost (DE-144), USS French (DE-367), United States Navy, World War II, Seaplane Tender, Destroyer, Frederick Funston Class Attack Transport артикул 13275d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! USS Frost (DE-144) was an Edsall-class destroyer escort built for the U S Navy during World War II She served in the Atlantic Ocean and provided destroyer escort protection against submarine and air attack for Navy vessels and convoys At war?s end she returned home proudly with seven battle stars and the озойд Presidential Unit Citation She was named in honor of Holloway Halstead Frost who was awarded the Navy Cross for his World War I service as aide to Commander, American Patrol Detachment, Atlantic Fleet, a billet in which he played a significant role in developing the tactics of surface and air forces in combined operations against submarines.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 104 стр ISBN 6130372000.

Малоинвазивные вмешательства под ультразвуковым контролем при заболеваниях желчного пузыря и поджелудочной железы артикул 13277d.
Малоинвазивные вмешательства под ультразвуковым контролем при заболеваниях желчного пузыря и поджелудочной железы артикул 13277d.

В данном руководстве реализована программа обучения малоинвазивным технологиям в рамках последипломного профессионального образования врачей с элементами дистанционного озойъ обучения: на 1 этапе специалист знакомится с основными требованиями к малоинвазивным вмешательствам, визуально поэтапно запоминает последовательность выполнения манипуляции; на 2 этапе самостоятельно оценивает базисный уровень по прилагаемым тестам; на 3 этапе по видеозаписям знакомится с ходом манипуляций; на 4 этапе начинается практический тренинг Принципиальной особенностью пособия является его наглядность: каждый этап методик последовательно показан на схемах и фотографиях и затем в видеозаписи Этот методологический новый подход эффективен для последипломного профессионального образования в интервенционной лучевой диагностике и малоинвазивной хирургии первичного врачебного звена Руководство предназначено для хирургов, гастроэнтерологов, онкологов, специалистов лучевой диагностики, интернов, клинических ординаторов, имеющих базовое образование по специальности "лечебное дело" Авторы Алексей Борсуков Андриан Мамошин.  Издательство: Медпрактика-М, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 128 стр ISBN 978-5-98803-067-6 Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x90/8 (~220х290 мм).

No 10 Squadron RAF: Royal Air Force, No 101 Squadron RAF, Royal Flying Corps, World War I, Farnborough Airfield, RAF Upper Heyford, MoD Boscombe Down, RAF Dishforth, World War II артикул 13279d.
No 10 Squadron RAF: Royal Air Force, No 101 Squadron RAF, Royal Flying Corps, World War I, Farnborough Airfield, RAF Upper Heyford, MoD Boscombe Down, RAF Dishforth, World War II артикул 13279d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! No 10 Squadron was a Royal Air Force squadron The squadron served in a variety of roles (observation, bombing and transport) over its 90 year history The squadron disbanded on 14 October 2005 and the aircraft and personnel were transferred to 101 Squadron Formed, as part of the Royal Flying Corps, on 1 January озойя 1915 during World War I at Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, 10 Squadron served on the Western Front in France in the spotting and bombing roles with a variety of aircraft types It was disbanded on 31 December 1919 following the end of the war, like many other squadrons.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 148 стр ISBN 6130381697.

Управление чужим поведением артикул 13281d.
Управление чужим поведением артикул 13281d.

Это издание содержит расширенный комплекс подходов и положений практической психологии личного влияния В концентрированной форме изложены эффективные приемы диагностики, озокй взаимодействия на сознание и подсознание партнера в процессе общения Предложен подход к анализу психических явлений с позиций психокибернетики — нового научного направления Текст книги представляет собой свободную компиляцию разработок автора и других исследователей Для широкого круга читателей и специалистов Автор Дмитрий Зарайский.  Серия: Практическая психология.

Microsoft Office 2000 User Specialist Study Guide артикул 13283d.
Microsoft Office 2000 User Specialist Study Guide артикул 13283d.

Good news for the millions of people who use Microsoft Office as a core part of their job: here is a self-study guide that teaches all the essential skills needed to advance your career and to pass all twelve Microsoft Office User Specialist Certification exams Approved by Microsoft as an Independent Courseware Vendor, this book covers over 80 proficient озоко and expert skills for Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, FrontPage, and Outlook This is the only Study Guide that covers all twelve exams--no need to buy multiple books! The companion CD includes projects and exercises, plus valuable productivity software Don't miss out on the best resume-building investment any Office user can make.  ISBN 0782125743.

Correspondence Between Stalin, Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill and Attlee During World War II артикул 13285d.
Correspondence Between Stalin, Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill and Attlee During World War II артикул 13285d.

This publication contains the correspondence exchanged by J V Stalin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, with Franklin D Roosevelt, President of the U S A , Harry S Truman, President of the U S A , Winston S Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, and Clement R Attlee, Prime Minister of Great Britain, during the Great Patriotic War озоку and in the period between victory and the end of 1945 Tendentiously selected parts of this correspondence were published outside the Soviet Union at difference times resulting in a distorted picture of the Soviet attitude during the war years This publication is to help restore historical truth It contains the full texts of all documents available in the Soviet Union of J V Stalin's correspondence with Franklin D Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, Winston S Churchill and Clement R Attlee during the period in question Certain messages quoted or otherwise mentioned in publications abroad are missing from this book, as their texts have not been found in the Soviet archives The correspondence between the heads of the Governments published here was conducted chiefly by exchanging code messages through the Soviet Embassies in Washington and London and through the Embassies of the U S A and Great Britain in Moscow The messages were decoded in the respective language Some of the messages were delivered by diplomatic post or by authorized representatives of the Power concerned Авторы Франклин Д Рузвельт Franklin D Roosevelt Уинстон Черчилль Winston Churchill Родился в фамильном замке в Оксфордшире, происходил из древнего аристократического рода, восходящего к знаменитому полководцу герцогу Мальборо Отец Черчилля был председателем Палаты общин английского парламента Учился в привилегированной школе Харроу, Иосиф Сталин Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин, настоящее имя - Джугашвили, псевдонимы - Коба, Сталин и др (21 12 1879 года [г Гори] - 05 03 1953 года [Москва]) Из семьи сапожника После окончания Горийского духовного училища (1894) учился в Тифлисской духовной семинарии.  Издательство: University Press of the Pacific, 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 089875397X.

Как порядочной девушке выйти замуж за иностранца артикул 13287d.
Как порядочной девушке выйти замуж за иностранца артикул 13287d.

Какой должна быть женщина, чтобы выйти замуж за иностранца, и на кого она может рассчитывать Что является обязательными условиями для успешного брака с иностранцем, а что для озокщ этого совершенно неважно Какие именно мужчины ищут себе русскую жену Особенности национальных пристрастий западных мужчин Чем западные мужчины отличаются от российских - особенности психологии, отношения к детям, отношения к деньгам, отношения к образованию Восточные мужчины Где познакомиться с иностранцем - "естественный" способ, знакомство через Интернет, знакомство с помощью свахи, знакомство через агентство Технология, достоинства и недостатки каждого способа Об этом и о многом другом расскажет данная книга Автор Ника Савельева.  Серия: Стильные штучки.

Grover Park George on Access: Access 2000, Access 2002, Access 2003 (On Office series) артикул 13289d.
Grover Park George on Access: Access 2000, Access 2002, Access 2003 (On Office series) артикул 13289d.

A textbook and study guide for new and intermediate Microsoft Access users, this book takes Access developers through the development process step by step Terms and concepts are explained as they arise and relevant examples are provided to keep users ontrack and to teach them how to the use the appropriate Access features in the same context in which озокя they will use them in their own work Users are guided through the process of creating a working database from the first step (defining the business problem it is intended to solve) through the last (deploying the application into an organization and providing ongoing support to users) Also included are case studies that provide practical guidelines for situations Access users might find themselves in.  ISBN 0972425896.

Я злой! или Как выйти из себя, чтобы вернуться артикул 13291d.
Я злой! или Как выйти из себя, чтобы вернуться артикул 13291d.

Переводчик: Алексей Озеров Знаете ли вы, чем может закончиться для вас обычная вспышка гнева? Ведь рано или поздно кому-то наверняка удастся довести вас "до белого каления", а озоли значит, возникнет опасность сорваться и "выйти из себя" Как верно подметил известный философ, "мы все закипаем при разных температурах" Плохое настроение, испорченные отношения с окружающими, головная боль - это далеко не полный список возможных последствий Медицинские данные неутешительны: нервным срывам, депрессии и даже инфаркту чаще всего подвержены именно те, кто бурно выражает свои отрицательные эмоции и не умеет их сдерживать Эта книга, написанная профессиональным психологом, поможет вам разобраться в себе и выяснить, что может заставить вас "метать гром и молнии" и как этого избежать В ней много конкретных примеров, тестов и специальных упражнений Она будет интересна всем, кто захочет подробно изучить гнев и научиться его контролировать Автор Кэрол Джонс Carol D Jones.  Серия: Психологический бестселлер.

Overcoming Anger: How to Identify It, Stop It, and Live a Healthier Life.
PowerPoint 2002 from A to Z: A Quick Reference of More Than 300 Microsoft PowerPoint Tasks, Terms, and Tricks артикул 13293d.
PowerPoint 2002 from A to Z: A Quick Reference of More Than 300 Microsoft PowerPoint Tasks, Terms, and Tricks артикул 13293d.

Alphabetically organizing its entries by term or task, this reference allows even new users of PowerPoint to easily get answers With more than 300 entries of key PowerPoint 2002 terms and descriptions of tasks, topics such as descriptions of how to add a chart to a slide, use background music during a presentation, or use a projector are easily found озолт With the detailed instructions on using the Office Assistant and Microsoft's Knowledge Base system, PowerPoint users quickly learn how to troubleshoot problems Also included is information about preparing for and passing the core examination for MOUS certification.  ISBN 1931150230.

Our Longest Days: A People's History of the Second World War артикул 13295d.
Our Longest Days: A People's History of the Second World War артикул 13295d.

"This was life as it happened and there's nothing more fascinating than reading history through the words of those who lived it "-Publishing NewsThis is a powerful, detailed, and warming story of World War II told through the previously unheard voices of those who described the home front for the "Mass Observation" project озолы Using diaries that have never been published before, this book tells the story of people falling in love, longing for a good meal, complaining about office colleagues, or mourning allotment potatoes destroyed by a bomb.  2009 г Мягкая обложка, 320 стр ISBN 1846680883.

Натуральные соки Новый уровень здоровья Более 100 рецептов здоровых и полезных напитков артикул 13297d.
Натуральные соки Новый уровень здоровья Более 100 рецептов здоровых и полезных напитков артикул 13297d.

Переводчик: Татьяна Новикова Ритм современной жизни оставляет нам все меньше времени на приготовление `вкусной и здоровой` пищи, и мы пытаемся мгновенно почерпнуть силы из озоме плитки шоколада и бокала кока-колы Но, увы, силы не приходят, желудок болит, настроение не улучшается Известный диетолог Лесли Уотерс предлагает свой способ оздоровления и поднятия энергии - употребление натуральных соков Более 100 рецептов напитков из соков овощей, фруктов и ягод удовлетворят самый взыскательный вкус и помогут легко и быстр` не только снять усталость и утолить голод самым здоровым образом, но и победить самые разнообразные недуги Автор Лесли Уотерс Lesley Waters.  Серия: Искусство Гармонии.

Juice up Your Energy Levels.
Britain Can Take It: The British Cinema in the Second World War, New Edition артикул 13299d.
Britain Can Take It: The British Cinema in the Second World War, New Edition артикул 13299d.

At the outbreak of the Second World War all cinemas in Britain were closed Ten days later they were opened again as a valuable way of boosting morale and a principal source of recreation for the nation at war Feature films were not just escapist entertainment; they provided instruction and information, and over the next six years some 300 feature films озомй and thousands of short films and news reels were produced in what is now seen as British cinema's "finest hour" "Britain Can Take It" charts this momentous period through the eyes of thirteen key films Aldgate and Richards make use of key resources, from scripts and box-office returns to official Home Office documents and censorship archives, to bring these films to vivid life In telling their stories, the authors also recreate the society, the politics and war-time conditions in which they appeared and flourished 2-nd edition Авторы Anthony Aldgate Anthony Aldgate Jeffrey Richards Jeffrey Richards.  Издательство: I B Tauris, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 376 стр ISBN 1845114450 Язык: Английский.

Стерва внутри нас Знакомьтесь! артикул 13301d.
Стерва внутри нас Знакомьтесь! артикул 13301d.

Переводчик: В Челнокова Эта веселая и жизнерадостная книга призвана помочь женщине стать собой, стать более свободной, деятельной и в конечном счете более умной и здоровой озомо Она - для миллионов милых интеллигентных женщин, полагающих, что правила хорошего тона диктуют им всемерное подавление своей свободы и личности Автор советует не говорить `да`, когда хочется сказать `нет`, и доказательно объясняет, когда проявлять твердость и неуступчивость, где нельзя поступаться принципами и как это сделать тактично, не разрушая себя, окружающих и тот ореол интеллигентности и порядочности, с которым вы уже сжились В книге дана масса приемов, помогающих женщине следовать своим убеждениям, выживать в современном мире и при этом не стесняться своей живучести Приведены простые, не требующиезначительных временных затрат психотренинги, способствующие оздоровлению психики и межличностных отношений Для широкого круга читателей Автор Элизабет Хилтс Elizabeth Hilts.  Серия: Популярная психология.

Поощрение и самооценка младшего школьника артикул 13303d.
Поощрение и самооценка младшего школьника артикул 13303d.

В данной работе раскрывается значение такого важного метода как поощрение, его влияние на самооценку младшего школьника Дается краткий анализ исторических взглядов на проблему озому поощрения, охарактеризовывается сам метод как стимулирующий Показаны плюсы и минусы в его использовании Приводятся конкретные, положительные примеры, использования данного метода в педагогической практике Книга адресована учителям начальной школы, родителям, будущим педагогам, студентам педагогических колледжей, вузов Она может быть полезна и преподавателям психологии, так как в ней затрагивается очень важный личностный аспект как самооценка Автор Людмила Строганова.  Серия: Психология в школе.

Miracle JuicesT: Stress Busters: Juices to Calm and Relax артикул 13305d.
Miracle JuicesT: Stress Busters: Juices to Calm and Relax артикул 13305d.

Book Description Need to calm down, unwind, and really relax? Take a Deep Breath (made from tomato, pepper, papaya); Chill Pill (fennel bulb, lemon, iced chamomile tea); or Time Out (cantaloupe, blackberries, kiwi) In a world where everyone's got too much to do and too little time, juices can relieve the effects of stress For example, the Tranquillizer озомщ contains romaine lettuce (which provides small amounts of lactucin, known to produce a state of relaxation) and apple with its comforting natural sweetness If day-to-day pressure has led to insomnia, a delicious smoothie at bedtime--with fruits plus soy milk and almonds, which get converted to sleep-inducing serotonin--will work restful magic They'll all help restore the body's delicate balance.  2003 г 64 стр ISBN 0600606716.

Он и она Имя и семья артикул 13307d.
Он и она Имя и семья артикул 13307d.

Как спланировать свою будущую семейную жизнь, сделать правильный выбор спутника жизни, узнать о характере, склонностях и привычках человека, исходя из анализа имени, отчества озомь и месяца его рождения, а также добиться того, чтобы ваш брак был прочным и долговечным, - обо всем этом рассказывается в книге Для широкого круга читателей "Борис Хигир совершает невероятное: ему достаточно узнать имя, отчество и месяц рождения человека, чтобы в считанные секунды рассказать о его характере, склонностях и привычках С поражающей людей легкостью он делает это и в тех случаях, когда человек имеет не русское, но любое другое имя: литовское, грузинское, польское" Это так в предисловии пишут Верится с трудом? Но, убеждает предисловие, есть же факты! "С помощью специальных карт мы опрашивали тех, кому Борис Хигир давал свои характеристики Примерно 80% опрошенных утверждают, что эти характеристики верны на 80-100% Около 20% респондентов соглашаются с тем, что сказал о них Хигир, на 50%" Так что если вам нужны советы в личной вашей жизни – Хигир готов помочь И имя потенциально верного спутника сообщит, и от неудачных связей убережет Подскажет, чего ждать от старых друзей и случайных знакомых Сделает раскладку вас как индивидуума по временам года, по цветовой гамме И даже сообщит, мальчики у вас будут рождаться или девочки Не жалеете времени на прогнозы? Значит, вперед! Автор Борис Хигир Борис Юрьевич Хигир родился в 1942 году в Узбекистане Долгие годы жил в Харькове Окончил педагогический институт, институт физкультуры Десять лет работал в Высшей школе олимпийского резерва массажистом и психологом Участвовал в подготовке чемпиона.  Издательство: Ниола 21 век Твердый переплет, 384 стр ISBN 5-322-00010-0 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Airplane Flying Handbook: FAA-H-8083-3A (FAA Handbooks series) артикул 13309d.
Airplane Flying Handbook: FAA-H-8083-3A (FAA Handbooks series) артикул 13309d.

The fundamental skills and essential information necessary for piloting airplanes are introduced in this beginning aviator's guide Pilots wishing to improve their flying proficiency and aeronautical knowledge, flyers preparing for additional certificates or ratings, and flight instructors engaged in the instruction of both students озоне and licensed pilots will benefit from the information in this pilot resource The official FAA reference for the aviator-in-training, many test questions for the FAA Knowledge Exams for pilots come directly from this guide.  Издательство: Aviation Supplies & Academics, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 280 стр ISBN 156027557X.

Dog Tags Yapping: The World War II Letters of a Combat Gi артикул 13311d.
Dog Tags Yapping: The World War II Letters of a Combat Gi артикул 13311d.

Book DescriptionA chronicle of war infused with uncommon cheer, Dog Tags Yapping: The World War II Letters of a Combat GI is a young mans education in life and death and a narrative of war told completely in letters During World War II, thousands of high school graduates were drafted into the army to be trained in colleges as engineers or other technicians, озони but instead were assigned to fighting units and joined the great assault in Europe after D Day One of those reprogrammed combat infantrymen was Morton Elevitch from Duluth, Minnesota Elevitchs cartoons, drawings, and extremely unconventional letters homerescued from box-in-the-basement oblivion after a more than fifty-year dormancyrecover the story of one rerouted GI ina voice that is compelling and new Embellished with a boyish flair, the quirky and playful documents collected here impart a distinctly personal and uncalculated record of war, family, and coming of age "Its much easier to wield a melancholy pen than to sit down and cry," Elevitch declares to his father Sparkling with a patina of wit and the bittersweet allure of lost innocence, the words and letters of "Privitch Elevate" offer the immediacy of the events as they unfolded With the ease andexpertise expected of a more seasoned storyteller, the young Elevitch escorts readers through his basic training and departure for Europe, duty in Brittany with the 94th Division and departure for Germany, combat under Pattons command, wounding by mortal fragments, convalescence in England, and his return to France with the Signal Corps to guard prisoners and await demobilization But along with these letters are the stories of his relationships with his parents, brother, the men of his company andeven the prisoners of war In evidence too, the authors perspectives on the war radically change Both comic and tragic in its treatment of wars chaos and tedium, this sensitive personal history covers experiences from the adjustment to military life and the temptations of flesh to the pain of wounds and recovery and the exposure to foreign countries and cultures Presaging his career as a novelist and editor, Elevitchs words and drawings sketch an audacious and highly imaginative portrait of a young man during an exceptional time in world history Evocative of life lived and nearly lost, his jarring accounts of combat reveal a soldier who was wounded not only in body but also in soul, in a war that changed him foreverjust as it changed everyone it touched Reproduced here as they were originally written, alongside a gallery of photos and hand-drawn battle maps, Elevitchs cartoons and letters were initially intended for only three persons But with their unique historical value and affecting exploration of the human spirit, they resurface in Dog Tags Yapping and result in an exhilarating ride for all readers through his "wild bivouac of the mind ".  2003 г 256 стр ISBN 0809325276.

Filosofia Homeopatica артикул 13258d.
Filosofia Homeopatica артикул 13258d.

Book DescriptionLas lecciones del Dr Kent para comprender la Doctrina Homeopática, legada por el Dr Hahnemann, siempre serán de gran enseñanza Estas lecciones de Filosofía Homeopática, dan una explicación de la mayor parte de los parágrafos del Organón de Hahnemann, haciéndolos más comprensibles y fáciles para entender la doctrina озозц homeopática, como la ciencia y el arte de curar Es una obra de lectura amena y en la que entenderemos mejor los diferentes parágrafos de Hahnemann Muy útil para el que desea entender la filosofía homeopática.  2003 г 342 стр ISBN 8170211506.

USS Holmes County (LST-836): Landing Ship, Tank, United States Navy, World War II, Florida, Mississippi, Ohio артикул 13260d.
USS Holmes County (LST-836): Landing Ship, Tank, United States Navy, World War II, Florida, Mississippi, Ohio артикул 13260d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! USS Holmes County (LST-836) was an LST-542-class tank landing ship built for the United States Navy during World War II Named after counties in Florida, Mississippi, and Ohio, she was the only U S Naval vessel to bear the name Originally laid down as LST-836 by the American Bridge Company of Ambridge, Pennsylvania озозэ on 11 September 1944; launched on 29 October; sponsored by Mrs H E Hetu; and commissioned on 25 November with Ensign Elmo J Sullivan in command.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 184 стр ISBN 6130384173.

USS DeKalb County (LST-715): Landing Ship, Tank, United States Navy, World War II, DeKalb County, Jeffersonville, Indiana, Jeffboat, Iwo Jima артикул 13262d.
USS DeKalb County (LST-715): Landing Ship, Tank, United States Navy, World War II, DeKalb County, Jeffersonville, Indiana, Jeffboat, Iwo Jima артикул 13262d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! USS DeKalb County (LST-715) was an LST-542-class tank landing ship built for the United States Navy during World War II Named after counties in six states, it was the only U S Naval vessel to bear the name LST-715 was laid down on 7 June 1944 at Jeffersonville, Indiana by the Jeffersonville Boat & Machine озоиб Company; launched on 20 July 1944; sponsored by Mrs Loudie S Moffatt; and commissioned on 15 August 1944 During World War II, LST-715 was assigned to the Asiatic-Pacific theater and participated in the following operations: assault and occupation of Iwo Jima (February and March, 1945) and the assault and occupation of Okinawa Gunto (May and June, 1945) Following the war, LST-715 performed occupation duty in the Far East until mid-September 1945 LST-715 was decommissioned on 17 April 1946 at Manicani Island, Republic of the Philippines.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 164 стр ISBN 6130378548.

No 205 Squadron RAF: Royal Air Force, Royal Naval Air Service, World War II, Cold War, Royal Flying Corps, Search and Rescue, Anti-Submarine Warfare, Group Captain, Supermarine Southampton артикул 13264d.
No 205 Squadron RAF: Royal Air Force, Royal Naval Air Service, World War II, Cold War, Royal Flying Corps, Search and Rescue, Anti-Submarine Warfare, Group Captain, Supermarine Southampton артикул 13264d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! No 205 Squadron was a Royal Air Force unit formed on 1 April 1918 Prior to this it had existed as No 5 Squadron of the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) In 1929, it became the first RAF squadron to be permanently based in Singapore, taking as its motto Pertama di Malaya ("First in Malaya") No 205 Squadron озоид operated during World War II and the Cold War before disbanding on 31 October 1971 No 5 Squadron of the Royal Naval Air Service was formed at Dover on 2 August 1915 from elements of No 4 Squadron RNAS, which had relocated to Eastchurch However, in October 1915, No 5 Squadron ceased to exist as it was absorbed into RNAS Dover.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 160 стр ISBN 6130379064.

Карнеги по-русски, или Азбука разумного эгоиста артикул 13266d.
Карнеги по-русски, или Азбука разумного эгоиста артикул 13266d.

Составитель: Александр Васютин Кому в этой жизни легко? Оказывается, разумному эгоисту Он наиболее приспособленный в обществе человек, линия его поведения не расходится озоиж с моральными заповедями христианства, он радуется жизни, умеет наводить порядок в своей душе и, как следствие этого,более психически и физически здоров, чем все остальные Есть смысл в том, чтобы последовать примеру известного психотерапевта А М Васютина и выбрать стиль поведения уравновешенного человека, умеющего прощать мелкое хамство, стойкого к стрессам, уверенного в себе и в своих поступках, а значит, более свободного, интересного и приятного для окружающих людей Эта книга действительно научит стать таким, поможет жить счастливее и спокойнее.  Серия: Психологический бестселлер.

Flying The Big Jets: Flying the Boeing 777 (4th Edition) артикул 13268d.
Flying The Big Jets: Flying the Boeing 777 (4th Edition) артикул 13268d.

This book presents fascinating facts about what it takes to fly a big jet How does a large aircraft fly? How long is the take-off run at maximum weight? How much fuel is carried on a transatlantic flight? The answers to these and thousands of other questions are given with sufficient enough detail to satisfy even the most inquisitive reader Chapter озоии by chapter, readers are taken from the basics of big jets through to the actual flight of a Boeing 777 from London to Boston Readers will examine the weather forecast with the pilots, monitor the take-off from the flight deck, listen to the radio reports along the way, view the mid-Atlantic weather from above the clouds, witness the preparations for descent, and experience the excitement of landing in Boston "Flying the Big Jets" is a comprehensive book that reveals the every-day working environment of the modern long-haul airline pilot 4th edition Автор Стэнли Стюарт Stanley Stewart.  Издательство: Airlife, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 1840371897.

Kathy Jacobs on Powerpoint: PPT 2000, PPT 2002, PPT 2003 (On Office series) артикул 13270d.
Kathy Jacobs on Powerpoint: PPT 2000, PPT 2002, PPT 2003 (On Office series) артикул 13270d.

A recognized expert in teaching Microsoft PowerPoint skills demonstrates how to design presentations to meet the needs of every audience The peskiest PowerPoint problems are investigated-saving to removable media, how to back save, fast saves and other presentation corruptors, the AutoFormat feature, video drivers, hardware acceleration, озоит and missing slide content Also detailed is how to use PowerPoint for informational kiosks, games, and web sites Tips for creating reports and graphical essays and forusing PowerPoint with other products in the Microsoft Office suite are provided.  ISBN 0972425861.

USS Gustafson (DE-182): USS Gustafson (DE-182), Cannon Class Destroyer Escort, Dock Landing Ship, Alaska Class Cruiser, Replenishment Oiler, United States Navy, World War II артикул 13272d.
USS Gustafson (DE-182): USS Gustafson (DE-182), Cannon Class Destroyer Escort, Dock Landing Ship, Alaska Class Cruiser, Replenishment Oiler, United States Navy, World War II артикул 13272d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! USS Gustafson (DE-182) was a Cannon-class destroyer escort built for the United States Navy during World War II She served in the Atlantic Ocean and provided escort service against submarine and air attack for Navy vessels and convoys She was launched on 3 October 1943 by the Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock озоия Co , Newark, New Jersey; sponsored by Mrs Eva Smythe Stevens, widow of Lt Gustafson ; and commissioned on 1 November 1943, Comdr Herman Rich in command.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 108 стр ISBN 6130378807.

No 200 Squadron RAF: Royal Air Force, World War II, No 206 Squadron RAF, Lockheed Hudson, Lloyd Allan Trigg, Flying Officer, Submarine, No 8 Squadron RAF артикул 13274d.
No 200 Squadron RAF: Royal Air Force, World War II, No 206 Squadron RAF, Lockheed Hudson, Lloyd Allan Trigg, Flying Officer, Submarine, No 8 Squadron RAF артикул 13274d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! No 200 Squadron of the Royal Air Force operated during the Second World War It was formed in May 1941 from a section of No 206 Squadron RAF, at Bircham Newton in Norfolk, operating Lockheed Hudson bombers That June, it deployed to Gibraltar and then the Gambia, where it flew convoy protection missions out озойв of Jeswang, moving to Yundum in 1943 and re-equipping with Liberator VI bombers In August 1943, Flying Officer Lloyd Allan Trigg was awarded the Victoria Cross for an action in which his aircraft sank U-468, a German submarine.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 104 стр ISBN 6130378793.

USS French (DE-367): USS French (DE-367), USS Freestone (APA-167), United States Navy, World War II, Seaplane Tender, Gleaves Class Destroyer, Destroyer артикул 13276d.
USS French (DE-367): USS French (DE-367), USS Freestone (APA-167), United States Navy, World War II, Seaplane Tender, Gleaves Class Destroyer, Destroyer артикул 13276d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! USS French (DE-367) was a John C Butler-class destroyer escort acquired by the U S Navy during World War II The primary purpose of the destroyer escort was to escort and protect ships in convoy, in addition to other tasks as assigned, such as patrol or radar picket USS French was named in honor of Neldon Theo озойо French who was awarded the Navy Cross for his brave actions in Guadalcanal She was launched 17 June 1944 by Consolidated Steel Corp , Orange, Texas; sponsored by Mrs Alma M French, mother of Corporal French; and commissioned 9 October 1944, Lieutenant Commander T K Dunstan, USNR, in command.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 104 стр ISBN 613037187X.

Биология и психология пола артикул 13278d.
Биология и психология пола артикул 13278d.

В книге рассказывается о физических и психических особенностях и различиях представителей мужского и женского пола; об этапах полового созревания и специфике мужского и озойю женского полового поведения; о механизме сексуального удовлетворения, природе сексуальной индивидуальности и механизме сексуальных неврозов; об инфекциях, распространяющихся половым путем как `болезнях поведения` Автор Дмитрий Колесов.  Серия: Педагогическая сексология.

The Healing Power of Herbs : The Enlightened Person's Guide to the Wonders of Medicinal Plants артикул 13280d.
The Healing Power of Herbs : The Enlightened Person's Guide to the Wonders of Medicinal Plants артикул 13280d.

Book DescriptionIf you don't believe the 80% of the world's population who depend on herbal remedies to treat common ailments, there is now a wealth of scientific research to substantiate the claims If used properly, herbal medicine is powerful, effective and simple THE HEALING POWER OF HERBS draws on scientific research to corroborate what many озоки have known for years: herbs are the key to a longer, more healthful life Inside you will find a directory to 37 common medicinal plants along with recommendations for treating 34 common health problems Discover: • How licorice can be used to heal canker sores • How ginkgo biloba can be used to delay the effects of Alzheimer's disease • How garlic can be used to improve cholesterol levels • How green tea can be used to help prevent cancer • How bromelain can be used to heal athletic injuries.  2004 г 432 стр ISBN 051722321X.

Labor's War at Home: The Cio in World War II (Labor in Crisis) артикул 13282d.
Labor's War at Home: The Cio in World War II (Labor in Crisis) артикул 13282d.

Labor's War at Home examines a critical period in American political and labour history, beginning with the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939 through the wave of major industrial strikes that followed the war and accompanied the reconversion to a peacetime economy Professor Lichtenstein is concerned both with the internal organizations and social озокм dynamics of the labor movement (especially the Congress of Industrial Organizations), and with the relationship between the CIO, as well as other bodies of organized labor, and the Roosevelt administration He argues that tensions within the labor movement and within the ranks of American business profoundly affected government policy during the war and the nature of organized labor's political arrangements worked out during the war established the foundations of social stability and labor politics that came to characterize the postwar world.  ISBN 1592131972.

Prescription for Natural Cures : A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More артикул 13284d.
Prescription for Natural Cures : A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More артикул 13284d.

Book DescriptionThe all-in-one natural health resource your family can trust Dr James Balch coauthored Prescription for Nutritional Healing, which became the first major popular guide to the healing power of foods and nutritional supplements, selling more than 8 million copies in all its editions Now, Dr Balch and Dr Mark Stengler present a озокт new natural health resource that you can't afford to be withouta comprehensive reference of natural remedies for common ailments, including: acne allergies arthritis asthma back pain cancer depression fibromyalgia heart disease hypothyroidism influenza irritable bowel syndrome menopause osteoporosis stroke Syndrome X varicose veins, and morealmost 200 health problems and conditions in all Prescription for Natural Cures provides a complete natural Rx for each condition, giving you a proven, natural, customized prescription that may include supplements, herbal medicine, homeopathy, aromatherapy, Chinese medicine, hydrotherapy, bodywork, natural hormones, and other natural cures in addition to nutritional advice Organized by problem from A to Z, this invaluable guide features: The unique Super Seven Prescriptions for each condition, which provide specific and practical remedies to help heal your problem You have never seen natural health advice as helpful, targeted, and accessible as this Clear, authoritative guidance on dietary changes, healing foods, nutritional supplements, and recommended tests Easy-to-understand discussions of the symptoms and root causes of each health problem Down-to-earth descriptions of each natural remedy A resource guide to holistic practitioners This breakthrough book is indispensable if you want to get betternaturally.  2004 г 736 стр ISBN 0471490881.

The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things : Fourteen Natural Steps to Health and Happiness артикул 13286d.
The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things : Fourteen Natural Steps to Health and Happiness артикул 13286d.

Book DescriptionEvery day modern medicine announces the arrival of yet another “wonder drug” or “miracle procedure” to a world increasingly wary of expensive high-tech cures Drugs, transplants, and surgery don’t work for 90 percent of our aches and pains and, while we are grateful for life-saving developments, we know that most come озокш with risks that we ignore at our peril Long hailed as one of the founding fathers of mind-body medicine, Larry Dossey directs our attention to simple sources of healing that have been available for centuries—treasures often hidden in plain sight—from the power of optimism and of tears to speed recovery to the surprising usefulness of dirt and bugs in curing disease and infection to the benefits of doing nothing Exploring the medical research that validates these simple remedies, Dossey encourages us to align ourselves with the wisdom of nature and allow true healing to take place The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things can transform our view of what health is all about, whether our concern is cancer or the common cold.  2006 г 320 стр ISBN 030720989X.

Phantom Warrior: The Heroic True Story of Private John McKinney's One-Man Stand Against theJapanese in World War II артикул 13288d.
Phantom Warrior: The Heroic True Story of Private John McKinney's One-Man Stand Against theJapanese in World War II артикул 13288d.

This is the story of John McKinney who received the Medal of Honor for his actions against a Japanese surprise attack On May 11, 1945, McKinney returned fire on the Japanese attacking his unit, using every available weapon?even his fists?standing alone against wave after wave of dedicated Japanese soldiers At the end, John McKinney was alive?with озокь over forty Japanese bodies before him This is the story of an extraordinary man whose courage and fortitude in battle saved many American lives, and whose legacy has been sadly forgotten by all but a few Here, the proud legacy of John McKinney lives on.  2009 г Мягкая обложка, 352 стр ISBN 0425227626.


Book DescriptionThe six years of prolonged world-wide conflict spawned some 340 serving generals in the British Army A number are household names (Montgomery, Slim, Wavell) and others well known to historians (Horrocks, Dempsey, Leese) But the vast majority are forgotten except by their families and regiments Yet there were a number of extraordinary озолз characters, ranging from highly competent to downright inadequate The Author has researched and written entries on all, varying in length, according to the subject's importance.  2005 г 256 стр ISBN 1844150496.

TARGET FOR TONIGHT : A pilot's memoirs of flying long-range reconnaissance and Pathfinder missions in World War II артикул 13292d.
TARGET FOR TONIGHT : A pilot's memoirs of flying long-range reconnaissance and Pathfinder missions in World War II артикул 13292d.

Book DescriptionThe author was born of a well-to-do Yorkshire family and joined the Auxiliary Air Force on his eighteenth birthday in 1939 On the occasion of Chamberlain's speech to the British nation on September 3 the situation changed dramatically and from being a 'super weekend club', his squadron was assigned coastal patrol duties In October озолм he was posted to Peterborough to learn to fly with the regular RAF There followed a period of convoy protection flying Blenheims and then flying with the meteorological flight based at Bircham Newington on the Norfolk coast Here he flew a Gloster Gladiator with a flight that had the reputation of 'flying even when the birds wouldn't' Now a Squadron Leader, Braithwaite became acquainted with the legendary de Havilland Mosquito and flew long-range weather reconnaissance flights (PAMPA) under the control of Coastal Command These patrols involved a lone aircraft flying deep into enemy territory to observe the meteorological conditions in advance of bombing raids or naval action PAMPA Flight 1409 moved to Oakington and transferred to Bomber Command and operated under the command of Air Commodore Donald Bennett and became one of the elite Pathfinder units His lengthy and successful tour included many exciting episodes until after a blazing row with Bennett concerning his unit's use of above regulatory flight speed to the target and the removal of the aircraft's ice guards, Braithwaite found himself moved to Training command There then followed a tour to the USA where he was the victim of a nearly fatal crash due to his aircraft being the victim of sabotage The author was now posted to India to take command of a Mosquito squadron operating against the Japanese over the jungle beyond its Eastern border His flying career was abruptly ended in 1944 when he contracted the violent tropical disease Sprue and he was repatriated to England.  2005 г 224 стр ISBN 184415159X.

Гармония вашего дома артикул 13294d.
Гармония вашего дома артикул 13294d.

Переводчик: Юлий Гольдберг Обстановка, в которой мы живем и работаем, играет очень важную роль для нашей жизненной активности и ощущения гармонии с окружающим миром Помочь озолш превратить нейтральную и негативную среду в творческую и позитивную поможет древнее искусство фэн-шуй, секретами которого делится с читателями известный консультант по фэн-шуй Грэм Ганн Простая перестановка мебели, изменение освещения и цвета драпировок, домашние растения и несколько дополнительных зеркал могут сотворить чудо, и дом станет для вас оазисом покоя, благополучия и местом, где вы всегда сможете восстановить запас сил! Автор Грэм Ганн Graham Gunn.  Серия: Искусство Гармонии.

Harmonise Your Home.
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 in 24 Hours артикул 13296d.
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 in 24 Hours артикул 13296d.

For readers who are new to PowerPoint 11 and want to get up and running quickly, Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 in 24 Hours will do the trick This book includes shortcuts and ways to accomplish the most common tasks in PowerPoint Readers are able to work at their own pace through the easily digestible, one-hour lessons After completing озомв the lessons, the reader will have a solid foundation of the basics and know the most efficient way to utilize the new version of PowerPoint.  ISBN 0672325551.

Natural Aphrodisiacs артикул 13298d.
Natural Aphrodisiacs артикул 13298d.

Book Description The marketplace success of Viagra has proven the demand for increased sexual potency and performance, yet this powerful prescription drug can have dangerous and potentially deadly side effects Fortunately, there are a wide variety of natural alternatives offering safe and effective ways to increase desire and vitality Based озомж upon the latest international research, this compassionate and important work will help you make an informed decision as to which of them might be right for your situation It takes a holistic approach to sexual health, addressing both the physical and psychological causes of dysfunction, then offers advice on a broad selection of herbal and dietary supplements, including some rare tribal and folk medicines whose therapeutic values are only now beginning to be recognized outside their indigenous regions Also included are exercise and dietary tips, and ways to maintain vigor throughout your life Now better sex is only natural!.  2003 г 176 стр ISBN 1843333309.

PowerPoint 2000: Quick Reference Guide артикул 13300d.
PowerPoint 2000: Quick Reference Guide артикул 13300d.

This 4 page, laminated, full-color guide is a fantastic resource for anyone who uses PowerPoint 2000! In a concise user-friendly format, it provides step-by-step instructions, short cuts and tips on how to execute the basic commands of the software The guide includes instructions on: View Buttons, Creating a New Presentation, Adding text and озомм Graphics, Using the Outline Pane, Using the Slide Itself, Adding Clip Art, Moving and Copying a Graphic, Resizing a Graphic, Achieving a consistent ?Look?, Changingthe Font, Adding Charts, Changing the Chart Type, Different Chart Types, Organizational Chart, Creating a Simple Table, Adding Transitions, Preset Animation, Changing Animation, Creating Slide Shows, Displaying Your Presentation, Timing Your Presentation, Adding Speakers Notes, Printing Your Presentation, Taking Your Presentation to another Computer.  ISBN 1553530039.

PowerPoint 2002 XP: Quick Reference Guide артикул 13302d.
PowerPoint 2002 XP: Quick Reference Guide артикул 13302d.

This 4 page, laminated, full-color guide is a fantastic resource for anyone who uses PowerPoint 2002 XP! In a concise user-friendly format, it provides step-by-step instructions, short cuts and tips on how to execute the basic commands of the software The guide includes instructions on: View Buttons, Task Pane, Creating a New Presentation, Adding озомп text and Graphics, Using the Outline Pane, Using the Slide Itself, Adding Clip Art, Moving and Copying a Graphic, Resizing a Graphic, Achieving a consistent ?Look?, Changing the Font, Adding Charts, Changing the Chart Type, Different Chart Types, Organizational Chart, Creating a Simple Table, Adding Transitions, Preset Animation, Changing Animation, Creating Slide Shows, Displaying Your Presentation, Timing Your Presentation, Adding Speakers Notes, Printing Your Presentation, Taking Your Presentation to another Computer.  ISBN 1553530292.

Easy PowerPoint 11 артикул 13304d.
Easy PowerPoint 11 артикул 13304d.

Easy Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 takes the work out of learning this powerful tool by using short, easy-to-follow lessons that show you how to accomplish basic tasks quickly and efficiently! It is the perfect book for beginners who want tolearn Microsoft's presentation software through a visual, full-color approach More than 100 hands-on озомф lessons are designed to teach the easiest, fastest, or most direct way to accomplish common PowerPoint tasks The book is suited for new PowerPoint users, as well as those upgrading from an earlier version.  ISBN 0789729644.

GO! with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Brief (Go! With Microsoft Office 2003) артикул 13306d.
GO! with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Brief (Go! With Microsoft Office 2003) артикул 13306d.

Book Description Written for a diverse audience (all ages, different educational backgrounds, varying educational goals), this book allows for self-paced or online learning The primary goal of GO! Series: Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Brief Edition is to teach Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 quickly and easily, with an approach that is based on clearly-defined озомъ projects A key feature of the book is the use of Microsoft procedural syntax: steps begin with where the action is to take place, followed by the action itself The instruction is error-free, clearly written, and logically arranged This book provides users with the skills to solve business problems using the computer as a tool The Brief edition covers the following topics: getting started with PowerPoint; creating a presentation; and formatting a presentation An efficient and handy guide for anyone who would like a good working introduction to PowerPoint 2003.  2004 г 248 стр ISBN 0131451154.

Miracle JuicesT: Health Remedies: Juices to Heal and Revitalize артикул 13308d.
Miracle JuicesT: Health Remedies: Juices to Heal and Revitalize артикул 13308d.

Book Description A few glasses of juice a day can keep many common ailments away! Alleviate the symptoms of complaints ranging from sinusitis to anemia by these freshly squeezed, vitamin-packed, health-enhancing drinks Find out the top five fruits and vegetables (including strawberries, banana, broccoli, and carrot), and then start making озомя some zesty blends Passion Thriller boosts levels of folic acid, zinc, and vitamin E--and that can boost fertility Problems with cellulite? The Bumpy Ride, a mix of apple, beetroot, and celery, will help flush out toxins and disperse fat cells There are drinks to help the heart, reduce cholesterol, calm motion sickness, reduce hot flashes, lessen arthritis pain, heal muscle damage, and reduce osteoporosis So raise a glass: here's to your health!.  2003 г 64 стр ISBN 0600606961.

Miracle JuicesT: Energize: Juices to Invigorate артикул 13310d.
Miracle JuicesT: Energize: Juices to Invigorate артикул 13310d.

Book Description Feeling lethargic, irritable, without enthusiasm? Here's the appetizing cure: juices that give some get up and go! Instead of foods that provide a sugar rush followed by a quick letdown, these drinks supply a constant and slow release of sugar throughout the day A carrot, beetroot, and orange Power Pack packs a real punch, with озонз loads of vitamins A and C, antioxidants and potassium Kale and Hearty--with spirulina and wheatgrass--is a sure way to become hale and healthy A carbohydrate-rich mix of apples, mangos, and passion fruit makes up the Energy Bubble, a perfect after-exercise concoction Or savor the refreshing Liven Up (Galia melon, pineapple, apple), a yummy All Nighter smoothie, and banana-based Round the Clock Every one fights the downers!.  2003 г 64 стр ISBN 0600606953.

Насильственные действия сексуального характера артикул 13312d.
Насильственные действия сексуального характера артикул 13312d.

В настоящей монографии затрагиваются актуальные проблемы уголовного российского права в сфере насильственной сексуальной преступности в целом и насильственных действий озонй сексуального характера в частности Главное внимание уделено изучению либо уточнению таких основополагающих положений данного состава как соотнесение степени общественной опасности насильственных действий сексуального характера, совершенных с применением насилия и совершенных с угрозой его применения; определение понятия "угроза" и отграничение данного понятия от определения "психического насилия" Кроме того, проведенное исследование помимо уголовно-правового имеет и криминологический аспект Практическая значимость монографии состоит в возможном использовании предлагаемых в ней положений по совершенствованию действующего законодательства об ответственности за насильственные действия сексуального характера в нормотворческой практике Кроме того, некоторые материалы могут быть использованы в учебном процессе высших образовательных учреждений и дальнейших научных исследованиях рассмотренной темы Автор Надежда Озова.  Издательство: МЗ Пресс, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 192 стр ISBN 5-94073-095-7 Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

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